PFK Wellbeing Photoshoot

In order for any aspect of personal branding to be successful, to really capture the essence of what a brand is, what it stands for and the benefits it brings to others, a lot of soul-searching has to be done first. Why? Because in understanding the core values or, for want of a better word, it’s soul, only then can you begin to layer on all the other important components such as language, colours, aesthetics, vibe etc and bring this brand to life. Allowing your brand to speak truthfully, effectively and ensuring it pulls on the heartstrings of your ideal client and enchants them, is just one reward for all of the hard work and diligence you put in at the very beginning.

Authenticity is the ultimate credibility
— Elizabeth Cairns

PFK Wellbeing is the brain-child of Paula Fox-Kirkham who bought this brand into being through an almost tragic experience that rocked her world and almost brought her to her knees emotionally. As a qualified and experienced Yoga teacher, Paula was already very knowledgeable in holistic health and wellbeing which she used to great effect with her clients and herself. However, a near-tragedy within the family lead her to discover and experience the powerfully healing world of pure essential oils and how aromatherapy can aid the senses and nourish the soul. PFK Wellbeing was born out of a desire to heal, to soothe, to calm and to re-invigorate those suffering from stress or any other ailment where comfort was needed. With her unique blends of pure essential oils, each designed to invoke a particular sense of wellbeing or state of mind, Paula created a range of candles, diffusers and unique oil blends that are now stocked in many retailers across Shropshire and the North West of England.

When Paula and I met in the summer of 2021, we discussed her brand and where ideally, she wanted to take it both in terms of expanding her range of products and growing her business in order to reach more clients across the UK to share the love. I shared the Brand Clarity Workbook with her so that she could think about the reasons why she created PFK Wellbeing and clearly identify exactly who she wanted her products to reach. If PFK Wellbeing were a person, what would she look like? How would she speak? What’s her dress sense like and how would she behave? How would she leave people feeling when they’d met her? We also collaborated in building a visual moodboard that was a collection of all the visual elements that resonated with Paula and closely associated with her brand. Soft greys, greens and tactile textures clearly stood out as well as a feeling of contentment, finding a special, safe space to take a deep breath and relax. Her brand had to give you a feeling of being wrapped in a soft blanket with a soothing cup of something nice where peace and tranquility were present.

In preparation for the launch of her brand new Number Five essential oil blend that Paula has created specifically for women who are peri-menopausal, menopausal or just need to feel more secure and grounded, we did some simple product shots for her website, marketing and promotional launch materials.

As a teacher, Paula was so knowledgeable and experienced in holistic wellbeing, her images needed to show her in a light of quiet confidence, self-assuredness and also, allow her friendly, open manner to shine through. We used stronger colours for this section of the photoshoot that were confident, quietly dynamic and yet complimented the soft greys we had used earlier.

The shoot itself went by so quickly (another reason why being prepared really does help to use the time we had together to the maximum)! Paula had bought some fresh lemons, limes and sweet basil, the aromas of which are used in some of the products, and I had bought some silvery green eucalyptus from my garden to help style some of the product shots that we had planned. The shoot itself took place at Paula’s home in the kitchen, living room and upstairs space which in itself, is a demonstration of just how personal the PFK Wellbeing is as a brand. It’s purely authentic, calm, soulful and most importantly, comes without any showy pretense or fake sentiments. And best of all, the fragrances are just so beautiful and bring a real sense of peace and calm to any space they are placed in. In fact, I honestly use the oils every day in my studio to help calm the nerves of anyone coming in for a photoshoot and everyone always remarks how very beautiful the studio is scented.

Now, Paula has a library of over 120 professionally shot images that have been carefully crafted and designed to showcase not only her beautiful products but the true soul essence of her brand. Using these consistently styled professional images to give her website a total refresh, use across her social media marketing and help to launch her exciting new Number Five blend of essential oils, candles and diffusers will ensure that PFK Wellbeing stands out from the crowd. This beautiful library of bespoke images will save her time and money as well as ensure her visual messaging is consistent and compelling, resonating with her ideal clients.

If you would like to work with me to uncover the magic of your own personal brand or are ready to take the next step in building a sustainable, successful business brand that really captures you, your personality and your values, then please do get in touch. Don’t forget that my heavily discounted introductory prices are still in place for any personal branding sessions booked in 2021.

What are you waiting for?! Let’s do this!