Is it just me, or is there change in the air?

Change is good, but change is scary. Thoughts of the unknown can paralyse us and prevent us from striding forwards, advancing onwards and upwards to our dreams and our goals.

But being a highly sensitive, experienced and intuitive woman, I can sense a palpable change in the air that is exciting! The change I feel is a collective consciousness where woman are supporting women like never before. Communities of like-minded, soulful women are putting their hearts and minds into building, sustaining and supporting one another like never before and I’m not sure where it’s come from or what’s triggered it but I do know that it’s high time! Instead of belittling, bitching and repressing those women who are shining a light on their achievements and successes in any respective field, there is a growing atmosphere of celebration! No longer do we resent women who know what they want and absolutely go for it unapologetically but we feel inspired by their courage, their bloody-mindedness and the fact that they believe they can, and will, have it all.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world”.
— Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

I’ve always loved that quote and in fact, it’s a mantra that I have relied on for years to get me out of some pretty dark places of self-doubt and fear.

Thinking about this collective consciousness of community-minded women has been playing on my mind for some time and I’ve decided that I will follow my instincts (what other way to make decisions are there?) and put a different kind of business plan together for 2022.

2022 is going to be a year where I focus on building my own community of like-minded, soulful women and I’m going to pay it forward - big time. I’m going to ignore growth plans, projections and advice from business ‘mentors’ that love making money more than they love helping others. Shallow shit, my friends. Instead, I want to serve others with a genuine and heartfelt desire to lift other women up, so they can go on to do the same for others. I want to throw a pebble of servitude and honour into the universal lake and watch those ripples spread the love far and wide because I truly do believe that my intention is honest and pure, coming from a place of love and if you, like me, believe in the cosmic laws, then I KNOW all of that goodness will come back to me and allow me to to do MORE. If I sound like an old hippie, then so be it; I really don’t care! All I care about is doing what feels right and following my intuitive heart.


In terms of business, I am going to construct a menu of personal branding services where I feel I can add value to other small business owners and become a literal springboard for them, pinging them up and onto the next stage in their entrepreneurial journey. I also know that when they experience the positive impact of my professional brand services, it will elevate them in many, many ways and also, it will help to elevate me too. And then we all win! I get such a huge kick out of helping women to rise up, be seen, be heard and to shine their own unique light and I really do believe that through my photography and my many years of branding experience and success, I can do just that.

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me… and I’m feeling good!
— Nina Simone

The cost of doing business with me will also NOT increase for 2022 and I’ll be breaking it down and adding more innovative, cost-effective branding and photography services to support the women around me that have a dream to fulfil, a family to support and a burning ambition to make a life for themselves that they are proud of.

If you are interested in joining my circle and want to know more about how I can help you in ways that suit you and where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, please sign up below and if you feel that you’d like to share this post with other soulful women who would really resonate with it, then please do with my blessing.

I really want 2022 to be all about our community and can’t wait to shine brightly with you.